Our goal is to create successful businesses that can provide paid employment for our graduates for many years to come.
Explore them all…
ArtiSAND Creative Goods Store. Our newest enterprise, selling uniquely designed and original works by the trainees.
East TOAST Cafe
Our wonderful Cafe & Hospitality enterprise was created and is run by our trainees on the supported pathway enterprise.
Bay Cafe
Our super popular cafe and social venue enterprise. Relaxed and chilled, you'll want to stay all day.
The SAND Store
The SAND Project trainees have created a unique and vibrant collection of beautiful things to make you and your home feel fabulous.
SAND Bay Suites
Recently renovated and designed by the trainees, our stylish apartment offers accommodation for up to 6 people and is listed on Air B+B.
SAND Frozen
Cook at home meals and puddings. Totally tasty frozen ready meals developed and created at SAND by our trainees and sold across Sussex.
Packs Bags & Leaves
Our beautiful and crafted herbal teas collection. Created, blended and packaged at in-house and sold across the UK.
SAND Print
Our successful publishing enterprise that has to date written, designed and published 4 original books.
Gateway Gardens
It's not just about digging and planting. Through this partnership, our young people are gaining invaluable life skills.